Saturday, September 30, 2006

Error Correction

Below are 10 sentences from your work.

See if you can correct them. Mistakes in red. Hints in green.

  1. He was incapable to control his emotion ______to shout at them.
    (preposition, word form and conjunction needed)
  2. Five weeks ago, illegilble chemicals ______poured by the irresponsible factory into harbour. (wrong word and passive tense needed)
  3. He's not helpful and not well-dressed as always. (use different word in different position)
  4. We went to a Chinese restaurant and order a well-known dish to local people but we didin't know exactly what it was. (preposition)
  5. When she was three years old we came to her house again. (wrong word)
  6. How a big monster she is. (wrong word and tense)
  7. As her boy friend was out of town and so she asked me to go out with her. (red words have the same meaning)
  8. One day, he did an illegible thing. (wrong word)
  9. One of those fish was affected irresistiblely. (wrong word)
  10. The woman was very self-conscious about everybody' look and laugh at her. (word form)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Story Writing

Work in groups. Use the adjectives on page 75 of the course book and write a short story.

Post your stories using the usernames and passwords I have given you.

When everyone has finished, decide which is the best story. You can use the comments box.

Welcome to the GE6B blog

Welcome to your blog.

We will use this blog to share work that you do.

It will help you to learn English better.

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